How to Reheat KFC Pot Pie to Perfection – A Step-by-Step Guide


Craving the comforting flavors of a KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) pot pie but don’t want to compromise on taste when reheating? You’re in luck! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you the step-by-step process of how to reheat KFC pot pie to perfection, preserving its deliciousness just like it was freshly baked. Whether you’re using an oven or a microwave, follow these simple instructions to enjoy a warm and scrumptious KFC pot pie every time.

1. Preheating the Oven

To start, preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). This ensures that the pot pie heats evenly, maintaining its savory filling while achieving a perfectly crisp crust.

2. Preparing the Pot Pie

Remove the KFC pot pie from its original packaging, and place it on a baking sheet or an oven-safe dish. If you prefer, you can keep the pot pie in its aluminum pie tin for easy cleanup. Alternatively, transfer the pot pie to an oven-safe dish that fits its size.

3. Covering with Foil (Optional)

If you wish to preserve the moisture and prevent the crust from getting too crispy, you can cover the pot pie loosely with aluminum foil. This step is entirely optional, but it can make a difference in the final result.

4. Reheating in the Oven

Now, place the pot pie in the preheated oven and allow it to reheat for approximately 20-25 minutes. The exact time may vary depending on the size of the pot pie and your oven’s specific characteristics. To ensure the pot pie is safe to eat, check its internal temperature using a food thermometer. The temperature should reach at least 165°F (74°C).

5. Checking the Crust

About a few minutes before the reheating process is complete, you can remove the foil if you opted to use it. This will give the crust a chance to become crispier, adding that signature flakiness that makes KFC pot pies irresistible.

6. Resting Period

Once your pot pie has been thoroughly reheated, take it out of the oven and allow it to rest for a few minutes. During this time, the filling will set, and the pie will be easier to handle.

Microwave Reheating (Alternative Option)

The microwave is an acceptable alternative if you’re short on time and need a quicker way to reheat your KFC pot pie. Remember that the microwave method may result in a slightly less crispy crust than an oven.

1. Preparing the Pot Pie

Remove the KFC pot pie from its packaging and place it on a microwave-safe plate. To ensure even reheating, consider cutting the pot pie into smaller portions.

2. Thawing the Pot Pie

Microwave the pot pie on medium power or use the “defrost” setting for approximately 4-5 minutes. This step helps to thaw the pie slightly, enabling more even reheating.

3. Reheating in the Microwave

After thawing, increase the microwave’s power to high and continue reheating the pot pie in 1-minute intervals. Check the internal temperature regularly using a food thermometer, aiming for a minimum of 165°F (74°C) to ensure the pot pie is safe to consume.


Reheating your KFC pot pie to perfection doesn’t have to be a challenge. By following these straightforward instructions, you can enjoy a warm and flavorful KFC pot pie that tastes just as delicious as it did when it was freshly baked. Whether you choose to use the oven or the microwave, make sure to adhere to the recommended temperatures and cooking times to achieve the best results.

Now, go ahead and indulge in the goodness of a mouthwatering KFC pot pie, served warm and delightful! Bon appétit!

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